Who is QiQi?

QiQi is my way to share with the world the photos that I make. Photos that I like and that you may like; if there is one you don't like, simply skip it.

My Mission

My mission is to make beautiful photos create art if you like. Those photos that meet all the criteria (my criteria actually) will appear on this website. Next to that, I also share photos of different holidays and although these do not necessarily meet the "art-criteria" they should be above the level of ordinary holiday pics. In the end, all I want to do is share beautiful photos

Who I am

I am Fred Vergeer, born in the early 60s and now living in 's-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands). My aim in photography is to make a photo that is different from other photos; either by selection of the topic, or by photographing it in a different way than usually. Although some people say that every photo has already been made, I disagree with that and try to prove it here.


photo: Sigrid